Proud to be Romanby.

And proud of our Memorial Men

Next parish meeting:

9 September 2024, 7:00pm Romanby Parish Office

9 January 2024

Recognising Our Romanby Centenarians

Recognising Our Parish Centenarians.

Hi Everyone,

Until its dissolution on 31/3/23, Hambleton District Council paid tribute to those residents who had reached the grand age of 100 years with a card/flowers/visit (if appropriate).

We have recently agreed at Full Council, that in the spirit of such a small but kind gesture, we intend to keep that tradition going in Romanby to respectfully recognise our small cohort of very senior citizens. We would of course only publicise details with the recipients permission.

Your part in our plan...........

We will however need help in this and if you know of any Romanby resident approaching the big 3-digits, could you please let us know to help us get this process underway.

You can message us via this page, or contact us via the website.

Thank you.

Your Parish Council Team

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Next parish meeting:

9 September 2024, 7:00pm Romanby Parish Office