About Romanby
Romanby Parish is adjacent to Northallerton and has a working relationship with town groups and amenities.
Quick facts about Romanby...
- The Parish is made up of two Wards, Romanby and Broomfield and has a mix of building styles.
- There are two churches and associated active groups.
- It has three primary schools and a pre-school group, all have very active PTA support.
- The Parish WI are very active in the community.
- The local Public House, The Golden Lion, is situated at the top of The Green and is a focal point for community activities.
- There are two shops both open until late evening and a very busy Post Office. The Parish has been long established and this is reflected in its name 'by the Roman Road'.
- Romanby and has developed to become Romanby and Broomfield but has retained its village ethos.

Next parish meeting:
11 March 2025, 7:00pm Romanby Parish Office