Proud to be Romanby.

And proud of our Memorial Men

Next parish meeting:

9 September 2024, 7:00pm Romanby Parish Office

Name Unit Number Status Date of Death Cemetery or Memorial Age

Pte. Joseph Wells


10th Kings Own Light Infantry 34805 Killed in Action 25th September 1916 The Thiepval Memorial 23

Joseph Wells originally enlisted into the 4th Yorkshire Regiment and was wounded during the battalion's desperate fighting at St. Julien during the 2nd Battle of Ypres. After recovering from his wounds he returned to France to serve with the 10th Kings Own Yorkshire Light Infantry.

Joseph was killed on the Somme on the first day of the phase in the overall battle which was to become known as The Battle Of Morval, which was fought between 25th and 28th September 1916.

The 10th KOYLIs, together with 1st East Yorkshires were in the front line to the east of Flers and were due to attack the Greman Front line, known as Gird Trench, between Guedecourt and Lesboeufs. The attack broke down comletely in No-Mans Land as the men were held up on the German wire, and were forced to take shelter in shellholes until nightfall allowed them to crawl back to their own trenches.

Unfortunately Joseph Wells was not one of those who returned. His body was never found and he is commemorated on the Thiepval Memorial to the Missing of the Somme. Edwin Wright from Northallerton, also perished in the same attack and his body was never recovered too.


Next parish meeting:

9 September 2024, 7:00pm Romanby Parish Office