Proud to be Romanby.

And proud of our Memorial Men

Next parish meeting:

9 September 2024, 7:00pm Romanby Parish Office

Name Unit Number Status Date of Death Cemetery or Memorial Age

Pte. Robert Henry Clemmit

15th/17th West Yorkshire Regiment 47146 Killed in Action 28th June 1918 The Ploegsteert Memorial 28

I have used the spelling of "Clemmitt" as shown on the Romanby Memorial and on the Service Sheet for the Service of Remembrance held in Northallerton All Saints' Church, shortly after the Armistice, on 29th December 1918. The Commonwealth War Graves Commission, however, records the spelling as "Clemmet", which presumably reflects the spelling of his name in the Official Army Records at the time of his enlistment. This may simply be a clerical error which was never corrected for some reason, or alternatively Private Clemmitt may have chosen to enlist under a name slightly different to his real one..

The CWGC records for the next of kin are of no help in resolving this matter as both his wife and his mother had clearly re-married by the end of the War when the records were compiled. His wife is recorded as Mrs. Coulson (formerly Clemmet) of Romanby and his mother as a Mrs. Sherwood of High Street, Northallerton.

Robert Clemmitt was born in Middlesbrough and he and his wife had two children. He enlisted in Northallerton, before which he had worked at the linoleum factory at Northallerton.

He was killed, aged 28 and his body was never recovered. He is now commemorated on the Ploesteert Memorial to the Missing.

There is some evidence to suggest that he may also have served with 1/7th Middlesex Regiment before transferring to the West Yorkshires.


Next parish meeting:

9 September 2024, 7:00pm Romanby Parish Office